
Showing posts from March, 2019

my acne story

Today I'll be sharing with you - a personal anecdote. It's about my acne, and how it almost took control of my life. I was 15 when I first experienced a break out. It was nothing, compared to a breakout actually. My estimate would tell you it was just about 3-5 pimples. So it was not much of a big deal back then. Time passed, but never did my pimples. This was when I started to take notice. I became really curious about it, and so I started experimenting on over the counter products that I saw on social media and tv advertisements. I invested my time watching DIYs on youtube, spending money and so much more to even list. I remember trying on creams or toners and switching on to the next from the time I knew it didn't take effective on me. I try like 3-4 products in a span of 2 months, and this continued for at least  a year. I became frustrated. I never knew what to do anymore. I remember becoming so insecure about my face that I tried to making up excuses just...

'stop the diet,you're thin already!'

This was me when I was younger It wasnt until I was confronted by my uncle,that he finds me ‘odd’ - he was referring to my weight. I was washing the dishes that I left from lunch the moment he approached me, with a frown that took shape on his face. He was straight to point out the peculiarity that he thinks he saw in me, asserting that i have been keeping up with my ‘diet’ , and that I haven’t been eating for days. I was in full force, triggered, but still kept my calm for I thought it was not worth the argue. Diet for him means starving yourself till you’re thin enough to be labelled as a “walking stick”. Knowing this in mind, I thought to myself how crazy the idea was, and for him to think of me that way, is just pure stupid. If I was someone who was not taught to respect the elderly and the relatives, I might’ve done something that I would’ve regretted of doing. But for Christ sake, he happen to be my uncle, I had to lower my pride on him. This was not the first ...

The things I have learned before seventeen

I longed of being a year behind the legal age - so that for the last time I'm still free to obsess on doing illegal. HAHA, i'm kidding. Turning 17,mmn i still bet It will be magical and confusing at the same time.It’s not like my life is like a disney movie or something, but I think being a romanticist is just in my nature. I think too much of growing up that it actually builds up a mountain of anxiousness inside me, and I always do my very best to avoid igniting it (causing me to explode). A lot of my friends are already 17 at the time being, but as far as I could tell, there haven’t been any difference of any way in their lives. I,in the other hand,expects a lot of this age than “just being seventeen”. Letting this year to simply pass like all the other years of my life, is not my plan (I hope). “Hold on to the memories they will hold on to you”. - New Years Day, Taylor Swift (2017) But before proceeding to the next chapter, i can’t stop thinking of the th...