The Underrated Truth About UPCAT

The Underrated Truth About the UPCAT

UPCAT like any other college entrance exam, may it be state university or may it not, still is an exam for college admission.

The only thing that is different: The UP system is highly celebrated and eventful. This is because hundred thousands of aspiring students take the UPCAT every year hoping that they will pass the entrance test of  their dream school -- UP (University of the Philippines).

It is the greatest pride of parents, and the students themselves once they pass the UPCAT (and it should).

A lot of us expect the exam to be quote “mahirap.”Some dreamers would even invest into workshops making sure that they will earn a spot.

While there is nothing with wanting an affirmation or obtaining tricks and strategies from “the sure way,” I believe solitary relying on them corrupts the purpose of the actual exam.

Indeed,we always prefer concise over precise, and for the most part it’s the problem.

Why is it a problem you may ask?

The intent of UPCAT is to measure the readiness of one’s self for college. It is a test that implicitly encourages forthcoming high school graduates to scan and review their notes before going to college. Think about it this way: What UPCAT wants us to do is to relish the so-far learning and refresh ourselves in preparation for college. It doesn’t want us to just read our notes for the sake of passing, it wants us to --refresh.

Simply because we need the information. UPCAT knows that those information is essential to us. The test whether you believe me or not; wants every single one of us to pass. The only problem is we mistakenly interpret it as our enemy.

If by this point you still don’t get my point, let I make it clear for you:

The test is not the physical/hard-copied/paper, it is if we would want to learn. Passionately and High Spirited.
It wants us to learn using our hearts, disregarding our mental capabilities and imaginary brain limiters. Most of you would argue, “Well, wouldn’t it be time wasting to do?”

First of all, it is never a waste of time to learn for the long term. When you can endear and appraise knowledge as something worth your time,and more than just the idea of being known for it, you will be wholesome.

Remember that this is not the only exam that you will take. This is just the frontier of more opportunities about to unfurl. So learn not to pass but learn because you-- want to learn, and be ready for what awaits you.

Be eager, relentless, and relish every detail that your brain has absorbed and will be absorbing.

And if you’re someone who’s too scared to take the exam: You may think about the I’m-not-good-enough cliche, and I urge you not to.

Remember that potential energy is always at rest, but when an external force acts upon it, it bequeaths all of its potential into motion. Same as you. It’s all there, you just got to have the force to make it roar.


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